Pilonidal disease is caused by a cyst that develops at the coccyx (lower tailbone). The cyst fills with puss when infected and looks like a huge pimple. Pilonidal disease occurs more in men than in women, and usually occurs before the age of 40.
The cause of Pilonidal disease:
- Doctors believe that ingrown hairs cause Pilonidal disease. In fact, ‘pilonidal’ is Latin for ‘nest of hair’. Typically, surgery reveals hair follicles in the pimple.
Pilonidal Disease symptoms include:
- Tenderness or soreness at the base of the spine
- Inflammation or swelling at the base of the spine
- A red coloration similar to an irritated rash at the base of the spine
- Puss accumulation
- Febrile symptoms (fever)
How to treat a Pilonidal cyst
- If caught early enough, sitting in a warm salt bath will decrease the chances of the cyst progressing further and preclude the need for further intervention.
- If not caught in time, a Pilonidal cyst must be drained of its puss to heal properly. Antibiotics will not help.
- If you have a Pilonidal cyst, consult a physician. The physician will exam the cyst, looking for the conditions mentioned above.
- If the cyst is found to be Pilonidal disease, an incision will be made and the fluids will be removed.
- After draining the puss, hair follicles are removed, and the remaining cavity is packed with gauze to prevent infection.
- This medical procedure is relatively painless and can be performed with a local anesthesia.
- However, it requires continuous changing of the gauze for up to four weeks, or until completely healed.
- Another option is to sow up the cyst after removing the puss, precluding the need for gauze.
Post-treatment requirements
- After the cyst is removed of its content, the wound must be kept clean to prevent re-infection.
- It must be washed daily and a follow-up examination with a physician should be made.
- Consult a physician immediately if the cyst seems to be returning.
- Although a complete recovery is possible, there is always a chance that a Pilonidal cyst will return.
For more information about Pilonidal disease, please contact Dr Kamrava at https://drkamrava.com/ or call directly at 424.279.8222.