Pilonidal cysts are frustrating. If you are the patient, then you are familiar with your options. Pilonidal cyst excision surgery is generally uncomfortable and irritating and takes place in the lower back. The great news is that there are rather quite a few options to deal with them surgically. Below are some pilonidal cyst removal surgery methods we will be talking about in this article, so you can make an informed decision about your health.
What Is Pilonidal Disease and Why Does It Need Surgery?
Pilonidal disease is a condition in which garbage in the skin and hair get blocked within a cyst or abscess on the tailbone. It can lead to swelling, redness, and infection. The cyst will burst or become abscessed at times and must be operated.

What Surgery Options Exist for Pilonidal Cysts?
Pilonidal cysts can be removed in many ways and each has its own pros and cons.
Excision with Primary Closure
Excision with primary closure is also the most common pilonidal cyst treatment. During this treatment, the surgeon excises the infected tissue and cyst and closes the skin. It is a simple procedure and can lead to quicker recovery in most patients.
Though a fine process in most individuals, there can be vulnerability for recurrence to set up, especially if the cyst is deeply located. It will also be slow to heal if infected.
Excision with Open Healing
Excision with open healing is where the wound is allowed to heal by itself after being left open. The wound is allowed to drain for minimum risk of infection. This is usually done when the cyst is complex or large.
This heals more slowly and painfully but less probable to recur and prevents complications of closed healing. Clean wound care must be followed to prevent infection during healing.
Flap Surgery
Flap surgery is done in larger or more complicated pilonidal cyst treatment. The doctor removes the cyst and closes the defect with a flap of healthy tissue from the nearby region. This has the benefit of healing the wound fast because it is well-perfused.
Although flap surgery is effective, it is more complex and will take longer to recover from. It is normally reserved for if other methods haven’t been effective or if the cyst is larger.
Minimal Excision or Pit Picking
Minimum excision or pit picking is a very mild invasive process for small recurring cysts only. It is where pits or little holes, which are related to the cyst, are addressed only, and removal of hair follicles and grime. It’s for individuals who have little cysts, which have not inflicted serious damage to the tissues.
This is a quicker operation with reduced recovery time, but not necessarily ideal for very large cysts. There is also extremely minimal risk of recurrence if the cyst is effectively treated.
What are pilonidal cyst surgery benefits?
The most important benefit of pilonidal cyst surgery is that it converts you into a pain- and pain-free person from the cyst. It saves you from multiple future infections or abscesses also. Surgery becomes a final measure for those patients who continue having recurrence cysts. Surprisingly, this is something which boosts your life, and you start living as much as normally possible without any recurrence.
What Are the Surgical Complications of a Pilonidal Cyst?
Operations on pilonidal cysts are generally very safe, but there are some risk factors one should be aware of. These include possible infection, scarring, and the risk of developing new cysts. There is quite a variable healing time depending on the actual type of operation performed, with some patients who undergo the same pilonidal cyst antibiotic treatment healing much faster and more easily than others.
How Do I Prepare for Surgery for a Pilonidal Cyst?

Preparation Before Surgery
Preoperatively, your doctor will order personalized preoperative orders such as medication withdrawal, diet alteration, and postoperative follow-up. Adhere to your doctor’s instructions to obtain the best result and minimize the possibility of complications.
What Is the Recovery Process Like?
Recovering from a piloncial cyst removal depends on what procedure is performed. Keep the area clean and avoid strenuous activities. Your surgeon’s office will schedule a ccheck in to make sure the healing goes smoothly.
Surgical excision of a pilonidal cyst is done in various ways that can fit under varying circumstances. Understanding what type of your condition you have and what it means to your doctor will dictate what the optimum treatment for you is. Depending on whether you receive excision and primary closure, open healing, flap repair, or small removal, enhancing your quality of life is the general moving force behind each of them. Think about your strengths and weaknesses, and notice what your doctor recommends as a means of making a productive recovery.