There’s no reason to suffer from hemorrhoids for an extended period of time. Although you may be worried that extensive surgery is required to address your condition, other effective options are easily accessible. Dr. Kamrava specializes in minimally invasive hemorrhoid treatments that help you get fast relief without surgery. Don’t trust another hemorrhoid doctor or surgeon in Los Angeles without first booking an appointment with Dr. Kamrava!
Hemorrhoid Signs and Symptoms
Pain, itching, throbbing, and bleeding in the anus are common indications that hemorrhoids are present. While external hemorrhoids are visible because they occur on the outside of the anus, internal hemorrhoids are more difficult to diagnose. Since the presence of internal hemorrhoids cannot be determined by a visual examination, and their symptoms may resemble other colorectal conditions, it’s best to see a medical professional to get a proper diagnosis.
Non-Surgical Hemorrhoid Treatment in Los Angeles
Once you visit an experienced colorectal surgeon, simple procedures can help diagnose the type and level of severity of your hemorrhoids. A digital rectal exam inspects the anal canal for any abnormalities, and an anoscope may be utilized to view the inside of the anus and rectum.
Sclerotherapy is a quick and safe non-surgical procedure that helps you get relief from internal hemorrhoids. The treatment has a high success rate for grade 1 and early-stage grade 2 hemorrhoids. To eliminate one or more hemorrhoids, Dr. Kamrava injects a chemical solution called phenol into tissue that surrounds the hemorrhoids. The sclerosant produces scar tissue that shrinks the hemorrhoids. While the procedure has few side effects, further treatments or other medical solutions may be needed to permanently eliminate hemorrhoids.
Hemorrhoid Banding
Hemorrhoid banding, or hemorrhoid band ligation, is another minimally invasive hemorrhoid treatment. It is a painless procedure that cuts off blood supply to the hemorrhoid. The hemorrhoid then falls off within a few days and passes during a bowel movement. The wound where the hemorrhoid was located will heal on its own within a few days.
Hemorrhoid Treatment & Removal Frequently Asked Questions
If you’ve been suffering from persistent hemorrhoids, you may be wondering if you need surgery or if there are other methods that will safely and effectively treat your hemorrhoids. Here are frequently asked questions about non-surgical hemorrhoid treatments. Please contact Dr. Kamrava at 424.279.8222 if you have additional questions or would like to schedule a consultation.
Q: Can you treat hemorrhoids at home?
A: You can definitely find some medications when you search best hemorrhoid treatment cream online. While over-the-counter medications may relieve external hemorrhoid symptoms, such as pain and itching, internal hemorrhoids and persistent external hemorrhoids may require the attention of a colorectal specialist. Topical ointments often have steroids and extended use may actually worsen the condition.
Q: Are there different types of hemorrhoids?
A: There are two general types of hemorrhoids, internal and external. Internal hemorrhoids occur within the lining of the anus. They may not always cause pain, but throbbing, bleeding, or itching during a bowel movement may be indications of their presence. External hemorrhoids are visible bumps on the outside of the anus. The bumps are a result of swollen veins filled with blood, and they may cause the exterior part of the anus to become raw or itchy.
Q: How are hemorrhoids diagnosed?
A: External hemorrhoids can be diagnosed with a visual and rectal examination. To determine the presence of internal hemorrhoids, an anoscope may be utilized. If your hemorrhoids don’t clear up within a week, you may need professional assistance from a hemorrhoid specialist in Los Angeles. Rectal bleeding and pain indicate more severe cases, which should be promptly examined by a doctor.
Q: Is surgery for hemorrhoids ever necessary?
A: Hemorrhoid banding such as “rubber band hemorrhoid treatment” and sclerotherapy are effective non-surgical methods for treating grade 1 and early-stage grade 2 hemorrhoids. Surgery, such as hemorrhoidectomy, may be necessary for certain individuals. Dr. Kamrava will examine your individual case and determine the best treatment for your needs.
Q: What are “minimally invasive” hemorrhoid treatments?
A: Traditional hemorrhoidectomies are excisional treatments wherein large swaths of hemorrhoids, anorectal mucosa, and anal skin are removed. The recovery for these procedures can be extremely difficult. Minimally invasive techniques focus on getting the same reduction in hemorrhoids without the excision. There are three principle modalities utilized for this: (1) PPH for hemorrhoids which is a stapled hemorrhoidectomy, (2) T.H.D for hemorrhoids, and the newest technique (3) Laser Hemorrhoidoplasty. Dr. Kamrava is trained and performs all of these techniques for his patients, and will discuss with you which would be most appropriate for each individual as well as the laser hemorrhoid surgery cost.
Q: Do minimally invasive hemorrhoid treatments cause pain?
A: Minimally invasive hemorrhoid treatments are safe, effective, and they also cause little to no pain. During the procedures, you shouldn’t feel any discomfort, but minor pain and light rectal bleeding are normal as you recover. In order to keep your pain to an absolute minimum, it’s important to get treatment from a hemorrhoid doctor and specialist, such as Dr. Kamrava, who has many years of experience with hemorrhoid removal and treatment.
Schedule An Appointment With A Hemorrhoid Surgeon Today!
When you’re ready to learn more about your minimally invasive hemorrhoid treatment options, contact Dr. Kamrava. He’s a fellowship-trained and board-certified colorectal expert who will thoroughly explain the most effective ways to treat your hemorrhoids.