What is an anal skin tag?
Skin tags are growths of excess skin. They are typically a few centimeters or less in size and are the same color (or slightly darker) as the rest of the skin. Most of the time, skin tags go unnoticed and cause no issues. Occasionally, they can get in the way of everyday life because of sensitivity, or even itch.
How to remove anal skin tags?
Many people wish to get skin tags around the anus or rectum removed for cosmetic or medical reasons. Most don’t know that getting rid of these tags can be done quickly in 15 minutes by Dr. Kamrava in our Beverly Hills office. There is no safe, at home alternative for removing anal skin tags if you happen to have one. In fact, most doctors don’t treat tags on this area of your body. Dr. Kamrava is one of only a few physicians in the country who has successfully removed thousands of anal skin tags with no complications. People fly into Los Angeles from all over the world to have Dr. Kamrava remove excess skin in this sensitive area.
If you are interested in having your anal skin tag removed by Kr. Kamrava, click the button below to request a consultation. Initial visits can be provided virtually to patients anywhere in the world.
What causes anal skin tags?
The true cause of tags is often unclear, but when they form around the anus, it’s usually related to one of the following causes:
Diarrhea – Frequent loose stools can irritate the skin around the anus, due to the acidity and friction caused by toilet paper.
Hemorrhoids – Commonly impacting 1 out of 20 Americans, hemorrhoids are inflamed and swollen veins in the rectum or anus. As these veins shrink during the healing process, it’s possible for anal skin tags to form.
Irritation or Friction – Anal tags typically develop in areas with frequent friction. Common causes for this friction include prolonged sitting, certain types of clothing, exercise, or anal intercourse.
Constipation – When someone is constipated and has large stools, the skin has to stretch in order to accommodate. This puts strain and pressure on the anus and leads to bulging blood vessels. When the skin doesn’t fully shrink back to normal, an anal skin tag may form.
Crohn’s disease – People suffering from Crohn’s disease usually have diarrhea and constipation which are causes listed above. A 2008 clinical study even confirmed a higher occurrence of anal skin tags in people with this disease.
Getting Treatment
Dr. Kamrava and his talented team based in Los Angeles are ready to remove your anal skin tag in as little as 15 minutes with no downtime. He is a board-certified colorectal surgeon who has performed thousands of removal procedures for people all over the world, including celebrities and foreign royalty. To schedule an initial consultation, please click the link below to get in touch with our team.